Protemnodon sp.

This is the trackway that started it all! This trace shows the characteristic paired prints of a hopping kangaroo and the large lateral digit impression makes it highly probable that the trace maker was belonged to the genus Protemnodon. It was the first mammal trace described from Australia and is preserved in the fossil sand dune sediments (aeolianite) of the Bridgewater Formation on South Australia’s rugged western coast.

Skeletal element: Hopping trace
Specimen number: FU2791
Significance of specimen: First mammal trace documented from Australia
Geological age: Late Pleistocene, Bridgewater Formation
State/territory: South Australia
Locality/site: Clare Bay

Belperio, A.P. and Fotheringham, D.G., 1990. Geological setting of two quaternary footprint sites, western South Australia, Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 37, 1, 37-42.