Wonambi naracoortensis

A giant ‘madtsoiid’ snake, known from Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits in southern Australia.

Skeletal element: Skull and jaws
Specimen number: SAM P30178A (skull elements) & SAM P27777 (lower jaws)
Geological age: Pliocene / Pleistocene
State/territory: South Australia
Locality/site: Naracoorte Caves

Image from https://nixillustration.com/tag/wonambi/

NOTE: this is a reconstructed “composite” skull made from multiple specimens.

These data first appeared in: Palci A, Hutchinson MN, Caldwell MW, Scanlon JD, and Lee MSY. 2018. Palaeoecological inferences for the fossil Australian snakes Yurlunggur and Wonambi (Serpentes, Madtsoiidae). Royal Society Open Science 5:172012.