Explore Australian fossils in 3D


From this page you can explore 3D scans of some of Australia’s iconic fossils.

We have selected rare and important specimens from museum collections, including type specimens that are usually kept behind the scenes.

Click on the images below to find 3D scans of extinct animals, fossil footprints, teeth, and more.

Note that some 3D scans are very large files. They may take some time to load in the viewer.

How to view 3D specimens

Step 1: Find the specimen you want.

Step 2: Click in the bottom right corner of the black frame to expand the 3D viewer to full screen.

Step 3: Explore the specimen in the 3D viewer. Use your mouse to drag and rotate the specimen to view it from any angle.

Use your scroll button to zoom in and out.

Click on the Tools button to expand the menu to find more options like measuring tools. Click the ‘Origin’ button to reset the specimen to its default size and orientation.

How to download scan data

Scan data can be downloaded from MorphoSource by clicking here. Otherwise, you can click the download link on the lower left of the specimen frame if visible.