Pyramios alcootense

Pyramios alcootense was a large diprotodontid, known from the late Miocene fossil beds of Alcoota Station in the Northern Territory, where it is considered rare. It is thought to be the oldest species of the subfamily Diprotodontinae.

Cranium of Pyramios alcootense. Photo by J. D. van Zoelen 2018.

Skeletal element: Cranium
Specimen number:
NTM P4190
Geological age: Miocene
Locality/site: Alcoota Local Fauna
Northern Territory

Skeletal element: Mandible
Specimen number:
NTM P4191
Geological age: Miocene
Locality/site: Alcoota Local Fauna
Northern Territory

Woodburne, M. O. (1967). Three new diprotodontids from the Tertiary of the Northern Territory, Australia. Bulletin of the Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Australia85, 55-103.