The SACRED Trial:

People living with dementia fall more frequently than those without cognitive impairment, and a common debilitating consequence of falls is hip fracture.

The SACRED trial (Southern Adelaide Co-ordinated Regional Hip and Debility Rehabilitation Programme) evaluated the efficacy and cost effectiveness of providing a 4 week rehabilitation program into residential aged care homes following residents’ discharge from hospital post-surgery to repair a hip fracture.

Hip fracture recovery: what to do for people living with dementia in residential aged care when they return from hospital

What – an invitation to join the recovery team in supporting people living with dementia in residential aged care to recover when they return from hospital.

Why support people living with dementia’s recovery in residential aged care when they return from hospital – the recovery narratives of residents, families and the staff who treat them.

How to contribute to people living with dementia’s recovery in residential aged care when they return from hospital.


The chaotic journey: recovering from hip fracture in a nursing home
Killington M, Walker R, Crotty M. (2016) Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics; 67: 106-112.