The databases contained on this page seek to provide an encompassing list of important properties for exhaustive sets of cubic graphs. The objective is to allow cross-referencing of such properties to identify special cubic graphs of interest to researchers. Each set contains, for all cubic graphs of a given size, a property signature that describes the properties of that graph. The properties currently listed are:

ID number as output by GENREG [1] with the command: genreg k 3 3
Hamiltonicity (0 for non-Hamiltonian, 1 for Hamiltonian)
Number of undirected Hamiltonian cycles (0 for non-Hamiltonian graphs)
Hyperhamiltonicity (0 for non-Hyperhamiltonian, 1 for Hyperhamiltonian)
Hypohamiltonicity (0 for non-Hypohamiltonian, 1 for Hypohamiltonian)
Cyclic edge-connectivity
Planarity (0 for non-planar, 1 for planar)
Bipartiteness (0 for non-bipartite, 1 for bipartite)
Snark (0 for non-Snark, 1 for Snark)
Filar the graph is located in (number of triangles)
Gene (0 for descendant, 1 for gene)
Mutant (0 for non-mutant, 1 for mutant)
Number of ancestor genes (1 if graph is a gene)
Size of largest ancestor gene (the size of the graph for a gene)
Second-largest eigenvalue

Currently the datbases are available for all cubic graphs up to 20 vertices. They can be downloaded individually as text files, or as a combined Excel file.

  • 4-vertex cubic graphs
  • 6-vertex cubic graphs
  • 8-vertex cubic graphs
  • 10-vertex cubic graphs
  • 12-vertex cubic graphs
  • 14-vertex cubic graphs
  • 16-vertex cubic graphs
  • 18-vertex cubic graphs
  • 20-vertex cubic graphs
  • Combined Excel file
  • Download all files


A 10-vertex graph with the following property signature:

4 1 4 0 0 2 2 3 1 0 0 5 0 0 3 4 2.41421 3

  • Has ID #4 as output by GENREG with the command: genreg 10 3 3
  • Is Hamiltonian
  • Contains 4 undirected Hamiltonian cycles
  • Is non-Hyperhamiltonian
  • Is non-Hypohamiltonian
  • Is 2-edge-connected
  • Is 2-cyclic-edge-connected
  • Has girth 3
  • Is planar
  • Is non-bipartite
  • Is not a Snark
  • Is in the 5th filar
  • Is not a Gene
  • is not a mutant
  • Contains 3 ancestor genes
  • Has a largest ancestor gene of size 4
  • Has second-largest eigenvalue of 2.41421
  • Has diameter 3

If you believe there are additional properties we should be including in the property signature, please contact Michael Haythorpe.

[1]  M. Meringer: Fast Generation of Regular Graphs and Construction of Cages.Journal of Graph Theory 30, 137-146, 1999.