
There are numerous projects available for the eager student, including:

  1. Use satellite imagery to estimate ocean characteristics (temperature, wave height, wave direction, wind direction) to compare with measurements at ocean buoys and models of ocean dynamics. Leaders: Graziela Miot da Silva and Ryan Baring.

2. Sediment transport and hydrodynamics around newly established shellfish reefs. We are interested in assessing sediment dynamics around newly established habitat restoration infrastructure of shallow subtidal coastlines in Gulf St Vincent and Kangaroo Island, using numerical modelling and field observations. Leaders: Graziela Miot da Silva and Ryan Baring

3. Evolution of the longest Holocene complex Coastal Barrier in Australia. This project will examine how the Younghusband Peninsula, a complex coastal barrier comprising aggraded and prograded foredune ridges in the SE, and large transgressive dunefields in the NW, evolved. The aims are to understand how this longest barrier in Australia evolved in completely different paths depending on the local wave energy, sediment supply, tectonic setting, and relative sea level change in the past 7000 years. Leaders: Patrick Hesp and Graziela Miot da Silva

Research ideas in the following areas are also able to be facilitated through the lab:

Numerical modelling

Surf zone dynamics

Reef monitoring and analysis

Coastal dune evolution, geomorphology and dynamics

Sea-level rise and coastal change

Coastal resilience and adaptation studies

Regional shoreline changes and coastal dune transgression along South Australian coasts

Remote sensing for broadscale marine observations

For more ideas please see our Research page.