
The Beach and Dune System (BEADS) Laboratory conducts studies on the biogeophysical coastal environment with innovative research in key areas of coastal morphodynamics and remote sensing to inform decision making for current management and future sustainability of the coast.

We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional owners of this land. We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs and relationship with the land. We acknowledge that they are of continuing importance to the Kaurna people today.

Ngadlu Kaurna miyurna tampinthi. Parna yarta mathanya puki-unangku. Parnaku yailtya, parnuku tapa purruna, parnuku yarta ngadlu tampinthi. Yalaka Kaurna miyurna itu yailtya, tapa purruna, yarta kuma puru martinthi, puru warri-apinthi, puru tangka martulayinthi.

Based at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, our lab combines expertise in a range of applications to understand and solve complex coastal problems. We have state-of-the-art equipment to measure, monitor and model the coastal environment. With decades of experience from principal investigators Prof. Patrick Hesp (coastal and aeolian geomorphologist), Dr Graziela Miot da Silva (oceanographer), Asc Prof. David Bruce (remote sensing) and Mr Robert Kean (GIS specialist) our lab is well placed to develop a range of research areas.

For more information about our exciting research projects hit the RESEARCH tab above!

BEADS Team 4