
Latest news, events and blogs from the BEADS Lab…..

BEADS awarded ARC DP funding for research in the Coorong

BEADS Lab researchers awarded $378,000 for research in the Coorong. ARC Discovery Project DP220102926 Patrick Hesp, Graziela Miot da Silva, Ian Moffat, Christopher Wilson, Robert Bourman (all Flinders University), Colin Murray-Wallace (UoW), Patrick Nunn (USC), Toru Tamura (Japan), Sergio Dillenburg (UFRGS, Brazil), Roger Luebbers (Melbourne). This project aims to investigate the evolution, geomorphology, age structure […]

Robotic Vessel launched at Beachport

Robotic vessel launched at Beachport to map coastal erosion [and] better understand [the] effects of climate chnage. See more at ABC Adelaide: Post Office Rock Experiment 2020.

Fowlers Bay Dunefields

Sand dunes are burying this off-grid community, but locals are fighting back. Fowlers Bay on South Australia’s wild west coast is a popular tourist village that’s grappling with encroaching sand dunes that are bordering the edge of town. Experts say climate change could affect the town’s future, but residents won’t let their cherished village fall […]

Riding the Wave (BEADS Research)

A Flinders research project has delivered a sea of data to measure our coastal environment and a number of ways to tackle environmental change in new and meaningful ways. It’s a story that started in Brazil, taking a detour in Louisiana, USA, before having an impact in Adelaide, South Australia. Find out more here…..

Deployment of Wave Buoys in Gulf Saint Vincent

Researchers release buoys to collect data for South Australian coastline erosion study. Three buoys have been deployed off the coast of Adelaide to gather data to help predict the future of South Australia’s coastlines. Find out more here…..

David Bruce Wins SA Educational Development Award

Find out more about APSEA and David’s presentation here…..