Book Chapters
Whelan, C. and Bright, D. (2020, in press). Fusion centres as knowledge-generating security networks: Exploring the relational properties of networked intelligence systems. In: Hufnagel, S. and Moiseienko, A. (eds.) Policing Transnational Crime: Law Enforcement of Criminal Flows. Routledge.
Allum, F. & Bright, D. A. (2019). Italian Mafias in Australia: Trying to understand their presence. Invited chapter for publication in F. Allum (Ed.) International perspectives on Italian mafias, Edward Elgar.
Bright D. A. & van Ham, C. (2019). Organised crime and threats to democracy in Australia. Invited chapter for publication in F. Allum and S. Gilmour (Ed.) Handbook on Organised Crime and Politics (pp. 349-362), Edward Elgar.
Lawler, S & Bright, D. A. (2019). It’s just business: Leaders strategies for risk management in criminal networks. In: Hufnagel, S. and Moiseienko, A. (eds.) Criminal Networks and Law Enforcement: Global Perspectives on Illegal Enterprise. Routledge. [SENSE: A]
Bright, D. A. (2017). Using Social Network Analysis to design crime prevention strategies: A case study of methamphetamine manufacture and trafficking. In Leclerc, B. & Savona, E. (Eds.). Preventing Crime Problems around the Globe through Research Innovations in the 21st Century. Springer.
Bright, D. A., & Delaney, J. (2016). Evolution of a drug trafficking network: Mapping changes in network structure and function across time. In M. Bouchard (Ed.). Advances in Research on Illicit Networks. Routledge.
Bright D. A. (2015). Disrupting and Dismantling Dark Networks: Lessons from Social Network Analysis and Computer Simulation. In Gerdes, L. (Ed). Disrupting Dark Networks. Cambridge University Press.
Bright, D. A. (2015). Identifying key actors in drug trafficking networks In A. Malm & G. Bichler (Eds) “Disrupting criminal networks: Network analysis in crime prevention.” Crime Prevention Studies. First Forum Press: Boulder. [SENSE: B]
Bright, D.A., Greenhill, C., & Levenkova, N. (2014). Dismantling criminal networks: can node attributes play a role? In Morselli, C. (Ed) Crime and Networks. Criminology and Justice Studies Series. Routledge.
Bright, D. A., Hughes, C., & Chalmers, J. (2013). Illuminating dark networks: A social network analysis of an Australian drug trafficking syndicate. In M. E. Beare (Ed). Transnational Organized Crime. The Library of Essays on Transnational Crime. Ashgate: New York.
Journal articles
O’Reilly, M., Hughes, C., Bright, D. A., & Ritter, A. (accepted May 2020). Structural and functional changes in an Australian high-level drug trafficking network after exposure to supply changes. International Journal of Drug Policy.
Bright, D. A., Whelan, C., & Harris-Hogan, S. (accepted May 2020). Uncovering and exploring the hidden social networks of ‘lone actor’ terrorists. Crime, Law and Social Change.
Coutinho, J., Koskinen, J., Bright, D. A., & Wright, A. (accepted April 2020). Competition and collaboration in multilevel organised criminal networks. Social Networks.
Bright, D. A., Whelan, C. & Morselli, C. (accepted, February 2020). Co-offending networks in Australia: An offence-specific analysis. Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice.
Bright, D. A., & Brewer, R. (2020). Innovations in research on illicit networks (Editorial). Global Crime, 21, 1-2.
Bright, D. A., & Koskinen, J., & Malm, A. (2019). Illicit network dynamics: The formation and evolution of a drug trafficking network. Quantitative Criminology, 35, 237-258.
Bright, D. A., & Whelan, C. (2019). On the relationship between goals, membership and network design in multi-agency “fusion” centres. Policing: An International Journal, 42, 441-454.
Hughes, C., Chalmers, J., & Bright., D. A. (accepted, April 2019) Exploring linkages between high-level drug trafficking and other serious and organised crime: An Australian study. Global Crime.
Bright, D. A., Whelan, C., & Harris-Hogan, S. (accepted, May 2018). On the durability of terrorist networks: Revealing the hidden connections between Australian Jihadist cells. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism.
Bright, D. A., Greenhill, C., Britz, T., Ritter, A., & Morselli, C. (2017). Criminal network vulnerabilities and adaptations. Global Crime, 18, 424-441.
Bright, D. A. & Sutherland, R. (2017) “Just doing a favor for a friend”: The social supply of ecstasy through friendship networks. Journal of Drug Issues, 47, 492-504.
Hughes, C. Chalmers, J., & Bright, D. A. (2017). Social network analysis of Australian poly-drug trafficking networks: How do drug traffickers manage multiple illicit drugs? Social Networks, 51, 135-147.
Hughes, C., Chalmers, J., Bright, D. A. & McFadden, M. (2016) Poly-drug trafficking:Estimating the scale, trends and harms at the Australian border. International Journal of Drug Policy. 31, 80-89.
Leiva, A., & Bright, D. A. (2015). “The Usual Suspects”: Media Representation of Ethnicity in Organised Crime. Trends in Organized Crime, 18, 311-325.
Bright, D. A., Greenhill, C., Ritter, A., & Morselli, C. (2015). Networks within networks: Using multiple link types to illuminate network structure and positional importance of actors in a drug trafficking network. Global Crime, 16, 219-237.
Bright, D. A., Greenhill, C, Reynolds, M., Ritter, A., & Morselli, C. (2015). The use of actor level attributes and centrality measures to identify key actors: A case study of an Australian drug trafficking network. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 31: 243-261.
Bright, D. A., & Delaney, J. (2013). Evolution of a drug trafficking network: Mapping changes in network structure and function across time. Global Crime, 14, 238-260.
Bright, D. A., Hughes, C. & Chalmers, J. (2012). Illuminating dark networks: A social network analysis of an Australian drug trafficking syndicate. Crime, Law, and Social Change, 57, 151-176.
Gong, W., Ritter, A., Bright, D. A., & Doran, C. (2012). How profitable is methamphetamine dealing in Australia? Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 122, 208-212.
Hughes, C. E., Chalmers, J., Bright, D. A., Matthew-Simmons, F., & Sindicich, N. (2012). Examining changes in supply and use in Australia’s cocaine market. Drug and Alcohol Review. 31, 263-272.